Social Distancing Floor Tape

Social Distancing Floor Tape

Floor tape is commonly used for pathfinding and wayfinding purposes in industrial facilities, however they have become a standard tool in the implementation of a comprehensive social distancing safety plan. Our wide selection of social distancing floor marking tapes allow you to manage foot traffic in your place of business to help maintain the recommended social distance between individuals. 

Maintain 6 Feet/2 Meter Distance Floor Tape Rolls

These 100 foot long rolls of floor tape include repeated social distancing messages, so all you need to do is unroll, cut, peel, and stick! A 100 foot roll of social distancing floor tape contains over 15 6-foot message segments for placement throughout your facility.

Foot Traffic Control Floor Tape

Floor tape is especially useful for managing customer and staff foot traffic within you workplace. These pre-printed 100-foot long rolls of tape include restricted access messages to prevent customer foot traffic where prohibited.

Biohazard and Quarantine Floor Tape

Quickly and easily mark safe boundaries around biohazards and quarantine areas to maintain recommended distances from high-risk areas.

Custom Solutions Available

Floor signs allow you to easily communicate where customers, visitors and employees should stand, walk and find essential safety items. These signs come in a variety of sizes to for different needs. Custom options available by contacting a sales represetnative at 1-888-326-9244.

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